Medicine Songs

The best part of bringing medicine songs to a gathering is how authentic and good it feels.

Before the ceremony, I go around the room clearing the energetic atmosphere. When all are seated and ready, I enter with a ringing Tibetan bowl. The evening proceeds with conversation, storytelling and songs of the heart.

My favorite part of the evening is gathering everyone's written deepest wishes for their lives in a bowl.

After reading them, I then make them into a song. At the end, people take their slips of paper and share their life wish with the group.

Every music event is tailored personally with you for your event. 

Lymphoma & Leukemia Society Volunteer Appreciation Performance

Blessing Chants

I provide chants for special life events: birthdays, weddings, groundbreakings, reconciliation ceremonies, home blessings, or the beginning of an event or gathering.

Blessing chants use nature images - such as fire, rain, the sky, clouds and animals to  make space sacred and bring down blessings. 


"There are only a few things that can touch you like a good song. Carolyn Ota writes good songs." - Jochen Vogel, Germany

"Carolyn is one of the best singer/ songwriters I've come across in a very long time and puts her heart in every song. She's amazing." - Russ Richter, Vermont

"Ever notice how a warm, gentle rain can calm the heart, still the soul and wash everything clean? So it is with the music of Carolyn Ota." - Asian Talent Online


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